Sunday, January 30, 2011


What is MANGA?

What is ANIME?

Same or Different?


> MANGA is a Japanese word mean "whimsical drawing" & the word being common usage in the late 18th century.

> MANGA is consist of comics & print cartoons in the Japanese Language & also conforming to the style developed in Japan in the late 19th century. 

In Japan, people of all ages read manga. The medium includes a broad range of subjects such as action-adventure, romance, sports and games, historical drama, comedy, science fiction and fantasy, mystery, horror, sexuality, and business or commerce, among others.

> Manga artist is called MANGAKA that work with a few assistants in a small studio & is associated with a creative editor from commercial publishing company.

> If Manga series is popular enough, it is may be animated, existing live-action, or even animated films.  


> ANIME can be defined as animation that originating in Japan.

> Anime began at the start of the 20th century and the oldest known anime in existence first screened is in 1917. It is a two-minute clip of a samurai trying to test a new sword on his target, only to suffer defeat.


* word usage
* proportions
* eye styles
* facial expressions
* animation technique


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